Quirky, Insightful, Open-hearted

Commercial Demo
Goldie Perry
Video Game Demo
Goldie Perry

“It's brilliant. The voices you've used for each character are bob on.”

-Clive Matthews, Author

Studio Specs

  • Microphone: Sennheiser MKH416

  • Interface: Audient ID 22

  • DAW: Reaper & Audacity

  • Directed Sessions: Source Connect, Skype, Phone Patch


As a child…

my friends and I loved putting on plays and dance productions that we created. I knew I was going to to grow up to be an actor!



I also had a love for technical things, and with some encouragement from my parents, I chose to pursue computer science – programming, cyber security, research and innovation.  A geek extraordinaire. Technology became my primary focus. Until I found computer gaming...


In A World…

Of Warcraft, I found a great community of friends.  We decided to meet in person at Blizzcon, a convention for all things Blizzard, and I made it to the Voice Actor Panels. As I sat and watched in awe, I knew that this…this is what I wanted to be doing.

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voice Acting.

Once I stepped in and started training I realized that had come home to my childhood dream of being an actor. Now I love getting into the booth and uncovering the story behind the words and giving it voice and vibration.